Filtering Reference


This section details the filters available for refining or searching list results in the Merchi SDK. For practical usage examples, refer to the SDK documentation specific to your programming language.

Naming Conventions:


Input: User ID

Description: Limits results to entities the specified user has access to (in addition to the current user).


Input: Integer representing a permission role (refer to the Entity Reference Enum for a complete list).

Description: Restricts the result set to only EnrolledDomain entities matching the specified role.

Applicable Entities: Available exclusively on the EnrolledDomain entity.


Input: Tab name (string)

Description: Restricts results to entities suitable for a specific UI tab.

Applicable Entities:


Input: State name (string)

Description: Filters entities based on their state.

Applicable Entities:


Input: Section ID (number)

Description: Filters Notification and User entities based on a section ID.


Input: system or other string

Description: Filters Notificationentities by sender role.

Applicable Entities: Notification


Input: Domain ID

Description: Restricts results to entities in the specified domain .

Applicable Entities: It is available on most entity types.


Input: Domain name


Applicable Entities: It is available on most entity types.


Input: List of user roles types (JSON syntax)

Description: Filters User entities by roles within a specified domain. Requires either inDomain or inDomainName has been specified.

Applicable Entities: User


Input: Boolean (JSON syntax)

Description: If true, the result set is restricted to only those entities which are shown publicly.

Applicable Entities:


Input: Boolean (JSON syntax)


Applicable Entities: SubscriptionPlan


Input: Any string to enable

Description: If enabled, the result set is restricted to only those products which the user is a manager of.

Applicable Entities: It is available only on Product entities. entities.


Input: Any string to enable

Description: Filters Job entities to only those where the user is a client.

Applicable Entities: Job


Input: "true" (string) to enable

Description: Filters Job and Domain entities to only those where the user is a team member or manager.

Applicable Entities: Job and Domain


Input: Any string to enable the filter.


Applicable Entities: It is available on Category, User, Theme and Domain entities.


Input: Any string to enable


Applicable Entities: It is available only on Domain entities. entities.


Input: An Assignment ID.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those ProductionComments that are attached to the specified Assignment.

Applicable Entities: Production, Comment.


Input: A Job ID.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those entities attached to the specified job.

Applicable Entities: Notification, JobComment, User.


Input: A Product ID.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those entities attached to the specified product.

Applicable Entities: ShipmentMethod, DiscountGroup, DomainTag.


Input: A Job ID.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those Users who should be notified about changes to the specified job.

Applicable Entities: User.


Input: An integer representing the notification type.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those Notifications of the specified type. (Refer to enum definition for complete list.)

Applicable Entities: Notification.


Input: A Job ID.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those Notifications related to the specified job.

Applicable Entities: Notification.


Input: A User ID.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those Notifications directed to the specified user.

Applicable Entities: Notification.


Input: A boolean (JSON syntax).

Description: Restricts the result set to only those entities marked as orders.

Applicable Entities: Jobs.


Input: A User ID (an integer).

Description: Restricts the result set to only those entities where the specified user is a client.

Applicable Entities: Job, Assignment, Quote, Invoice.


Input: A User ID (an integer).

Description: Restricts the result set to only those entities where the specified user is a manager.

Applicable Entities: Invoice.


Input: A Company ID (an integer).

Description: Restricts the result set to only those entities where the specified company is a client.

Applicable Entities: Shipment, Job, Quote, Invoice.



Input: A User ID (an integer).

Description: Restricts the result set to only those entities related to the specified user. The definition of “related” depends on the entity type. For example, a user might be related to a Job if they were a manager, designer, or supplier for it.

Applicable Entities: File, EnrolledDomain, Category, Product, Job, Company.


Input: A Unix timestamp (it will attempt to guess the meaning of other timestamp formats).

Description: Restricts the result set to only those entities created after the specified timestamp. Usually, the creation date of the entity is meant.

Applicable Entities: Invoice, Job.


Input: A Unix timestamp (it will attempt to guess the meaning of other timestamp formats).

Description: Restricts the result set to only those entities created before the specified timestamp.

Applicable Entities: Invoice, Job.


Input: A Category ID (an integer).

Description: Restricts the result set to only those products within the specified category.

Applicable Entities: Product.


Input: A Category ID (an integer).

Description: Restricts the result set to only those products within the specified platform category.

Applicable Entities: Product.


Input: A Company ID (an integer).

Description: Restricts the result set to only those products which are in the specified company.

Applicable Entities: User, SubscriptionPlan, Domain, Shipment, Job, ShipmentMethod, Invoice, CountryTax.


Input: A Component ID (an integer).

Description: Restricts the result set to only those ComponentTags which are attached to the specified Component.

Applicable Entities: ComponentTag.


Input: A string.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those entities whose name matches the specified string.

Applicable Entities: Domain, Component.


Input: A comma-separated list of integers representing tag IDs.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those entities tagged with the specified tags.

Applicable Entities: Product, Job, Component.


Input: A comma-separated list of strings representing tag names.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those entities tagged with the specified tags by name.

Applicable Entities: Component.


Input: A comma-separated list of integers representing entity IDs.

Description: Restricts the result set to exclude the specified entities.

Applicable Entities: All entities.


Input: A comma-separated list of integers representing Domain IDs.

Description: Restricts the result set to exclude products in the specified domains.

Applicable Entities: Product.


Input: A comma-separated list of integers representing entity IDs.

Description: Restricts the result set to include only the specified entities as an alternative to fetching each entity with separate requests.

Applicable Entities: All entities.


Input: A comma-separated list of integers representing permission roles.


Applicable Entities: Domain.


Input: A comma-separated list of integers representing domain types.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those domains of the specified types.

Applicable Entities: Domain, Theme.


Input: A comma-separated list of integers representing product types.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those products of the specified types.

Applicable Entities: Product.


Input: A boolean.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those companies of which the user is a member.

Applicable Entities: Company.


Input: A boolean.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those entities considered platform-global.

Applicable Entities: Product, Category.


Input: A boolean.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those Invoices where the user is a client or part of a client company.

Applicable Entities: Invoice.


Input: A User ID.

Description: Restricts the result set to only those Products saved by the specified user.

Applicable Entities: Product.


Input: A User ID (an integer).

Description: Restricts the result set to only those Shipments received by the specified user.

Applicable Entities: Shipment.


Input: A day number (an integer).

Description: Restricts the result set to only those Product with a certain turn around time.

Applicable Entities: Product.


Input: An array of two integers representing a range (inclusive), e.g., [0, 50].

Description: Restricts the product set to the expected price range.

Applicable Entities: Product.